The Best Value Home Heating Oil Belfast, Greater Belfast and throughout Northern Ireland
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Tips & Advice

I’ve Run Out of Home Heating Oil?! What Should I Do?

10th October 2016 by Anthony | write a comment

This is a cause for panic for most people new to home heating oil. But it’s not the end of the world. You have two main options; you can order a same-day delivery or you can go to your local petrol station and see if they can supply you with a barrel of kerosene. However, getting your home heating oil at a petrol station is much more expensive than ordering from an oil company but may be the bes… Read more

What Size is your Oil Tank?

23rd September 2016 by Anthony | write a comment

With the colder months approaching and the price of oil going up; we at understand that you want to stock up on as much heating oil as possible in order to save some money! But just how much boilerjuice can your oil tank take? Well, do these look familiar? These are the most commonly used oil tanks however if your tank isn’t here then hit us up on the live chat and we’ll be happy… Read more

What size of heating oil tanker does your property require?

12th September 2016 by | 1 comment

Do you have trouble finding an oil company that can deliver to your address? Well, just as oil tanks come in all shapes and sizes; so do our heating oil tankers! But this isn’t to win no beauty competition, our tankers are designed to fit and coordinate every nook and cranny on the road to get you your heating oil delivery. Whether you need a baby tanker to negotiate a tight and winding road or … Read more

How will the UK Brexit vote affect UK heating oil prices?

27th June 2016 by Andrew | write a comment

On Thursday 23rd June 2016, the UK voted to leave the EU in an historic referendum. The result came as a shock to many, and the stock and currency markets were no different, having bet on the UK voting to remain as a member of the EU. In the week leading up to the referendum, heating oil prices were fairly flat, while sterling strengthened significantly vs the US$. If you are planning your fue… Read more

Storing Red Diesel: Everything You Need to Know

10th May 2016 by Andrew | write a comment

Are you storing your red diesel stock correctly? The regulations for storing red diesel can vary depending on the area in which your storage facility is based, how old the facility is, and the purpose for which you are using the fuel. However, incorrect fuel storage can have terrible environmental implications, meaning that even the most careful of red diesel users can get a little worried when it… Read more

Red Diesel: Who Can Use It?

5th May 2016 by Andrew | write a comment

When Can I Use Red Diesel? The rules on red diesel largely depend on your automobile and the purpose for which you are using it. The rules on red diesel apply to the following vehicles: • Tractors and light farming vehicles • Mowers • Road structure vehicles • Construction vehicles e.g. diggers and tippers • Moveable bulldozers and cranes • Gritters and vehicles used for clearing… Read more

Keep Warm and Well Despite Fluctuating Domestic Oil Prices

2nd December 2015 by Andrew | write a comment

The international oil markets remain volatile, and analysts predict that the uncertainty will persist for many months to come. The underlying reasons for the market fluctuations have been examined at length by the media and business commentators, and the central issue remains weak demand coupled with over-production in many oil-exporting countries. The volatility naturally affects large corporatio… Read more

A New User’s Guide to Heating Oil

16th November 2015 by Andrew | write a comment

When considering methods of heating homes, there is perhaps the temptation to think only in terms of electricity and gas, especially outside of more remote rural areas. There are, however, many clear advantages to be gained from using heating oil, which can be a cost-effective and highly efficient way of heating your home. What Is Heating Oil? It is a product obtained from crude oil by a technical… Read more

How long will my heating oil order last?

12th May 2014 by Andrew | write a comment

UK heating oil prices have been declining for around the last 18 months. The good news for heating oil users is that the average UK heating oil price has fallen by around £60 on 1,000 litres vs. the same time last year and over £100 vs. 18 months ago. So, if you are thinking of ordering 1,000 litres this summer, you may want to know how long you can expect your heating oil to last.  There are a… Read more

Fuel poverty – What can be done?

14th February 2014 by Andrew | write a comment

Fuel poverty has long been recognised as a problem in society.  It is generally assumed that a home spending more than 10% of its income on heating is in fuel poverty, though the actual definitions have recently changed slightly.  You can read more about official government fuel poverty statistics by clicking here. Causes of Fuel Poverty Fuel poverty has unfortunately become an increasingly comm… Read more