Learn about Heating Oil and Save Money | Value Oils
Find out more about Heating Oil
Oil is a fuel source which is used all over Ireland whether it be for domestic or commerical use. With the use of gas based heating systems becoming more popular, many companies and households are opting to keep their oil based heating systems as they are highly efficient and have low running costs.

Where does Home heating Oil come from?
Home heating oil is formed using crude oil, going through a process called fractional distillation. When crude oil goes through the heating process it is seperated at different temperatures to play its part in the creation of other products such as 'Tarmac' for our roads. Heating oil has many other names such as Kero, Kersene, Burning oil and 28Sec.
How does your Heating Oil system work?
Some people own a heating oil system but don't know how it actaully works. ValueOils.ie is here to educate you..
- Your tank is connected to a boiler
- Your boiler has a dedicated pipeline that pumps the oil into it, the pipe combusts to heat a seperate water supply.
- The heated water is pumped from the boiler around a property through a connected pipe and radiator system
Using Heating Oil is very efficent giving you a better return for every unit used.
Delivery and Supply of Heating Oil
The delivery of home heating oil isnt as straight forward as ordering a parcel. Home Heating Oil is delivered using tankers, there are many different styles of tankers such as a six and four wheeler, baby and pick-up tankers all of which depend on the location of delivery. To find out more about the styles of tankers we have here at ValueOils.ie visit our blog page where we have an infographic detailing this. One of the advantages about oil based delivery is that we can delivery large quantities of oil at the one time and it can also be stored away during quiet time of business.
We find that our customers make savings by ordering well in advange to winter season during off peak seasons as the prices are reduced during this time. Continue reading to find out more ways to save money on your bill.
Save money on your heating bill
• Read our information about price trend regularly - you may be able to bag a bargain
• Start filling your tank in the Summer - We're not asking you to fill your tank completely in the summmer but every little helps, why not have a foundation of oil to work from before it gets to the busy season.
• Servicing - Get your boiler serviced, this ensures that everything runs smooth, your getting the most out of your fuel and saving money. At ValueOils.ie we offer boiler servicing, check it out on our 'Services' page.
•Try upgrading to Eco-Heat this will improve your heating systems performance and reduces the running costs.
• Check out our blog for more money saving tips.
Where should you purchase your Home Heating Oil?
ValueOils.ie of course! Our aim is to provide our customers with the best price possible and we do. We will go the extra mile to meet your home heating needs, literally! Contact us today by clicking here or get a 'Quick Quote' using our generator on our Homepage - Get Ordering!