Recommend a Friend

Save €5 off your next Order!

Invite a Friend to visit our page and place an order and you'll get  €5 of your next heating or gas oil order for EVERY person that you invite who orders from us. 

And we've made it easier for you to do so..

Follow these steps: 

  1. Log in to your Account 
  2. Click on the 'Recommend Friends Now' button below
  3. Enter the Name and E-mail Address of your friend
  4. You will recieve confirmation of the details you have given us
  5. We will then e-mail your friend telling them about our services (It is a good idea to let them know yourself also, incase our e-mail goes into their junk folder)
  6. If your friend registers with us (using the e-mail address you have given us) You will get  €5 off your next order

Note: There is a limit of 20 Friends - If you get 20 Friends to order of us you'll recieve €100 of your next bill. How does that sound? Amazing!!

*Please take note of the following:

*This deal is only available on our site as it is an automated service, we cannot offer this through e-mail or telephone.  
*Up to 20 friends can be recommended to us, however it has to be one e-mail per delivery address to gain the discount.
* At we reserve full rights to amend this scheme without notice and in particular, to disallow discount where not appropriate.
*Permission must be granted by your friends before recommending them to this site. 

Refer Friends Now